
  1. Seamless cross-L1 swaps on Avalanche

Tesseract solves liquidity fragmentation by routing swaps across the Avalanche ecosystem, supporting both the C-Chain and your favourite Avalanche L1s, decentralized exchanges (DEXes), and tokens. You'll also be able to use the Tesseract UI to bridge tokens across Avalanche.

Here's how a Tesseract swap works:

  1. Best Prices via ecosystem-wide liquidity

Benefit from the entirety of the Avalanche Ecosystem. Tesseract checks for the best price for your swap, taking into account gas-fees and leveraging multi-hop routes on both the C-Chain and on Avalanche L1s.

  1. Simple integration for Avalanche L1 developers

Running an Avalanche L1? Deploy Tesseract in a few simple steps to access all of Avalanche's deep liquidity. With Tesseract deployed there's no need to manage your token(s) liquidity on your L1, as Tesseract will seamlessly connect users to its C-Chain liquidity.

  1. Fast and Optimal user experience with automatic liquidity sourcing

Experience complete round trips to and from the C-Chain in less than 10 seconds, setting the standard for cross-L1 efficiency. The Tesseract's UI keeps users updated on progress as the transaction progresses.

  1. No RPC Switching:

Conduct swaps from your source L1 without the need to switch Remote Procedure Call (RPC) endpoints.

  1. Cost-Effective:

Tesseract ensures reasonable slippage and gas costs, optimizing your trading experience.

  1. Open-Source:

Tesseract smart contracts and front-end are open-source, ensuring transparency and encouraging community contributions and collaboration. Check out the Tesseract Github

  1. Extensive L1 and Token Support:

Tesseract will support a core set of popular L1s and tokens, while offering long-tail support for a wide range of Avalanche L1s, DEXes, and tokens.

Last updated