Welcome to Tesseract
Avalanche's liquidity marketplace, move and swap any assets across Avalanche and it's ecosystem of L1s at lightning speed.
Built using Avalanche ICM and ICTT technology, Tesseract is a trustless, non-custodial, on-chain trading platform designed to connect liquidity between the C-Chain and Avalanche's growing network of L1s.
By tapping into the entire Avalanche liquidity ecosystem, C-Chain and Avalanche L1 users will benefit by getting the best price on their trades. Plus, with a simple integration, L1 operators can tap into Avalanche's deep liquidity without needing to deploy their own DEX or manage liquidity pools themselves.
Tesseract is an Avalanche-native protocol built by Contributors behind the successful Yield Yak platform, and has been audited by leading security firm OpenZeppelin.
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